Sri Adhisankarar Polytechnic College is one of the foremost College founded by "ELUMALAIYAN EDUCATIONAL TRUST”. Our Polytechnic College was incepted in the year 2000 and has to fulfil the Technical Educational Needs of the youth and providing the world class quality in theTechnical Education.
"VidyaRatna", Dr.M.Senthilnathan, M.Sc., M.Phil, P.hD., Our Honourable Chairman Cum Managing Trustee, of ELUMALAIYAN EDUCATIONAL TRUST (EET), is a renowned Academician and a Seasoned Administrator, who is recognized as one of the most distinguished personalities in the field of Technical Education. Under his able guidance the Institutions are making rapid strides of progress and are bound to scale new heights.
Tmt. ManjulaSenthilnathan, M.A.,is the CorrespondentCum Secretary, Tmt. S. RITHIKA SARANYA, M.E., is the Joint Secretary and Dr.Sa. AHASH BALAJEE., M.B.B.S., M.B.A., is the Vice Chairman ofELUMALAIYAN EDUCATIONAL TRUST, are all with foresight and far reaching vision, and has been in the forefront of innovation of Technical Education.
As Per Our “Vision - Mission” of our Sri Adhisankarar Polytechnic College, Our Trust has decided to applied for Approval from AICTE, Govt. of India. for the following New Emerging and Multi-disciplinary Courses from 2021-22, enable to Meet-Out the today’s Skill Requirement and Challenges faced by the Industries. And AICTE, Govt. of India. & DOTE, Govt. of Tamilnadu., have granted the Approval to our Polytechnic College.
It is Happy to share that at Diploma Level in the Self-Financing Polytechnic Colleges in Tamilnadu, at the first Instance, AICTE, Govt. of India. & DOTE, Govt. of Tamilnadu., have granted the Approval to our Polytechnic College for the following three New Emerging & Multi-Disciplinary Courses,
New Emerging & Multi-Disciplinary Courses from the Academic Year 2021-22
1. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
2. Automation & Robotics Engineering
3. Agricultural Engineering
along with the following Existing Courses
4. Civil Engineering
5. Mechanical Engineering
6. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
7. Electronics & Communication Engineering
Campus interviews are being organized by inviting various companies for the placement of the students for jobs. It fulfils dual purposes, one for students securing their future Career, and another for the Industry securing the best fresh talents available in the region.
The Society has been provided more than 10,000 skilled Diploma Graduates since 2000, with required Skills by IT sectors, Automobile Sectors, Industries, Government and NGO’s Sectors.